Three icons headerFirst impressions matter, and your website’s header is no exception. To make it truly stand out, I’ve developed a unique feature: three interactive icons that rotate when visitors hover their mouse. But forget static images – these icons are customizable! You can use them to highlight the three most important areas you want visitors to explore.

Think of them as a sneak peek into the exciting content your website offers. Powered by clever Javascript/jQuery coding, these icons can showcase anything from key topics and services to fun facts about your brand.

The possibilities are endless! This interactive element adds a dynamic touch to your header, keeping visitors engaged and curious to learn more. This subtle yet effective approach gently guides visitors towards the content you want them to see, enhancing their overall website experience. It’s a win-win – visitors discover what interests them, and you get them exploring the depths of your website.


Next Page Site Next Page is a block-based WordPress website that utilises a custom theme designed to achieve a high level of complexity, but also to focus on speed to deliver a great user experience (UX).

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