Advanced three icons headerFor websites brimming with content, a powerful search function is key. I’ve taken the concept of the three rotating icons a step further to create an advanced version specifically designed for e-commerce sites, complex blogs, and frequently updated platforms.

Imagine a header that not only grabs attention but also empowers your visitors to find exactly what they’re looking for. This advanced version integrates a robust search form powered by JavaScript. This form is like a personal search assistant, featuring two key sections: a categories section to narrow down results and an input field for specific keywords.

But that’s not all! The magic continues with the three rotating icons, powered by JS/jQuery, that you can customize to highlight three key topics. Think of them as shortcuts to the most popular content on your website, or a way to showcase special offers and new arrivals. This interactive duo – the advanced search and the rotating icons – elevates your website’s user experience, making it easier for visitors to navigate the wealth of information you offer.

Custom Bullet Styled List Block Design

Custom Contact Form Block Design

Custom Audio File Block Design

Custom Google Maps Block Design

Custom Insurance Calculator Block Design

Custom Post and Button Block Design

Custom Post To Front Block Design

Custom Pricing Table Block Design

Custom Tabs Block Design

Custom Content Slider Block Design

Custom Testimonial Reviews Block Design

Custom Video URL Block Design


Next Page Site Next Page is a block-based WordPress website that utilises a custom theme designed to achieve a high level of complexity, but also to focus on speed to deliver a great user experience (UX).

Post Types Navigation

Explore Articles Using the Search Form

Authorised Users Only