Design Portfolio Graphic Design Peckham Tea Time

The Peckham Tea Time project was a collaborative effort that involved a team of digital designers tasked with creating a set of products for a local coffee shop located in South East London. The coffee shop was struggling with low foot traffic and a lack of online visibility due to its outdated and dilapidated appearance. In response, the team was brought in to revamp the shop’s overall digital image to attract more customers and increase its online presence.

The main focus of the project was to design a simple yet attractive logo for the brand that would be used across all platforms, including the storefront window. The team opted for a minimalist design with plain colours to create a timeless and versatile logo that would appeal to a broad range of customers. Additionally, we designed takeaway recyclable coffee cups, adding to the overall aesthetic appeal of the shop.

We created a website for the coffee shop that not only showcased its products and services but also had the possibility of eCommerce to facilitate online ordering. The website was designed with a user-friendly interface that made it easy for customers to navigate and find what they were looking for.

Throughout the project, the team worked closely with the business owner to ensure that their vision was aligned with the brand’s values and objectives. The result was a successful digital transformation that breathed new life into the Peckham Tea Time brand and helped the coffee shop attract more customers both online and in-store.

Graphic – Product Design: Logo Design Quirky

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  • My Role In The Project
Product Design Peckham Tea Time
Product Design Peckham Tea Time
Product Design Peckham Tea Time

My Role In The Project

As a Graphic Designer in this project, I followed and implemented the following steps:

  • Understand and interpret the brief.
  • Conduct research, brainstorm and compare ideas
  • Demonstrate illustrative skills with rough sketches
  • Create prototypes based on sketches
  • Listen and act on feedback, and explain the rationale behind graphic design decisions.
  • Select the approved design version and finalise it
  • Improve, review the final design and suggest improvements if required.

Main Software Used

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • TinyPNG
  • Squoosh App

Custom Blocks Design Development

Custom Audio File Block Design

Custom Bullet Styled List Block Design

Custom Contact Form Block Design

Custom Content Slider Block Design

Custom Google Maps Block Design

Custom Insurance Calculator Block Design

Custom Post and Button Block Design

Custom Post To Front Block Design

Custom Pricing Table Block Design

Custom Tabs Block Design

Custom Testimonial Reviews Block Design

Custom Video URL Block Design


Next Page Site Next Page is a block-based WordPress website that utilises a custom theme designed to achieve a high level of complexity, but also to focus on speed to deliver a great user experience (UX).

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