Design Portfolio Graphic Design Hologram Business Card

The Hologram Business Cards project was a personal project that demanded extensive research to create a unique and innovative design. The project’s primary objective was to produce business cards that would stand out from the crowd, leaving a lasting impression on the client’s potential customers.

To achieve this goal, I explored various hologram designs, distinct colours, and typography, and ensured that every aspect of the design conveyed a sense of elegance, sophistication, and professionalism. I also considered the client’s preferences and values, ensuring that the final product reflected the client’s brand image and message.

I was relentless in the pursuit of a design that would set the client’s business cards apart from the competition. The final design was an artwork with a holographic finish that shimmered in the light, eye-catching typography that drew the eye, and a colour scheme that perfectly complemented the client’s brand. The holographic business cards were an instant hit, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who received them. The Hologram Business Cards project was a testament to the power of creativity, innovation, and hard work.

Graphic – Product Design: Hologram Business Card

  • View The Project
  • My Role In The Project
Hologram Business Card Design
Hologram Business Card Design
Hologram Business Card Design
Hologram Business Card Design
Hologram Business Card Design
Hologram Business Card Design
Hologram Business Card Design
Hologram Business Card Design
Hologram Business Card Design
Hologram Business Card Design

My Role In The Project

As a Graphic Designer in this project, I followed and implemented the following steps:

  • Understand and interpret the brief.
  • Conduct research, brainstorm and compare ideas
  • Demonstrate illustrative skills with rough sketches
  • Create prototypes based on sketches
  • Listen and act on feedback, and explain the rationale behind graphic design decisions.
  • Select the approved design version and finalise it
  • Improve, review the final design and suggest improvements if required.

Main Software Used

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • TinyPNG
  • Squoosh App

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